Economic Benefits
Jobs (temporary/construction and permanent)
Turns cost item (i.e., waste treatment) into revenue-generating opportunity
Can operate in conjunction with composting operations
Improves rural infrastructure and diversifies rural income streams
Digestate produced by the system can replace synthetic fertilizer or bedding purchases
Waste Treatment Benefits
Natural waste treatment process
Mature technology
Smaller physical footprint (vs. composting)
Reduces volume of waste for transport, land application, (vs. not using digestion)
Very efficient decomposition
Complete biogas capture
Nutrient recovery and recycling
Environmental Benefits
Dramatic odor reduction
Reduced pathogen levels
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
Platform for reducing nutrient runoff
Increased crop yield
Energy Benefits
Net-energy producing process
Multiple existing biogas end-use applications, including:
combined heat and power
pipeline quality biomethane
transportation fuel
Baseload/dispatchable energy source (vs. intermittent wind and solar)
Distributed generation (which means lower transmission/transportation costs and higher reliability)
Direct replacement for non-renewable fossil fuels